TradMed terrified of right wing role in P-burgh story

by David Waldman

TradMed terrified of right wing role in P-burgh story

Mon Apr 06, 2009 at 01:50:04 PM PDT

Earlier, I expressed my astonishment that the Pittsburgh shooter's cop killer's (Poplawski is no longer even Pittsburgh's top shooting story) motives, described by his friend in a television interview, resulted in the following rather amazing exchange:

Reporter: Did he ever say anything to you? Like, ever indicate any signs that made you concerned, or made you...

Friend: He just basically told me he didn’t like the Zionist control over our government, he didn’t like that there was about to be military policing, he didn’t believe in the fact that there was about to be a gun ban. He didn’t like anything that was going on in the political forefront, and he was basically very politically active, and he didn’t agree with what was going on right now in the United States of America. But what made him snap, I have no clue.

Reporter: So he never... there was never, when he was expressing his opinion, there was never something that went off inside, that made you [think] that there could be a situation like this?

I know I already commented on this, but I can't help doing so again, seeing it all laid out in front of me a second time.

Read on...

Yes hate talk radio, and hate talk on tv probably fueled the Pittsburg shooter of three police officers. The mainstream media prefers the "dog peed on the floor" theory. Tom

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